Ningbo Empire Packaging Co., Ltd.

Όλες οι πλαστικές αντλίες αφρού

Όλες οι πλαστικές αντλίες αφρού

Innovative plastic spring design

Size: 43/410, 40/410

Created with 100% recycled plastics, NO metal spring inside resistant to corrosion easy for recycle environment, solving sustainability!


Dosage: 0.40ml, 0.80ml, 1.20ml, 1.50ml

Closure: 30mm, 40mm, 43mm

Because specialty, so do better!

*Created with 100% recycled plastics, NO metal spring inside resistant to corrosion easy for recycle environment, solving sustainability

*Bring value to your brands and reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of the brands

*Compact, medium profile with high chemical compatibility

*Improved design results in rich foam, covering a larger area than similar packaging

*Καλύτερη τιμή σε σύγκριση με παρόμοια προϊόντα και ανταγωνιστές

*Small MOQ, free Samples